Friday, January 18, 2013

Should you upgrade to Windows 8?

I thought this story about upgrading to Windows 8 to be very helpful

 of Zdnetcom  gives some basic reasons on why you should upgrade now or should you  wait.  He considers which operating system you are currently using and gives you good suggestions on how to decide.

I found it particularly useful to read what he said about Windows XP:

I'll put this quite simply: if you're running an XP machine and you're reading email or browsing the Web, you need to upgrade immediately. XP is enormously vulnerable to exploits, you can't run Internet Explorer later than IE8, and your PC is a calamity waiting to happen.
So you should upgrade to either Windows 7 or Windows 8. Period. Now, as it happens, it's probably actually a better choice to upgrade to Windows 8. First, again, you can get the Windows 8 Pro upgrade for only $39.99 and any Windows 7 upgrade will cost you more.

Food for thought!


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