Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Diabetes and Health Wesbites

The website Sandee showed during the November 28th meeting for good general medical information is Consumer Health Complete (Ebsco) at www.oplin.org/health --

This site will ask for your zip code (or possibly any Ohio library card). Then you have access to a wealth of information including full text medical books, journal articles, pamphlets, medical dictionaries, drug and herb information, and current health news.

Here is a link to the Risk Test that Kathy Northeim had us take is online at:

The Websites that Kathy suggested are:

Where to go for help
American Association of Diabetes Educators
1-800-338-3633 or www.diabeteseducator.org
Find the name of an educator and resources in your community
to help you learn about diabetes.

American Diabetes Association
1-800-DIABETES or www.diabetes.org
Ask for information about diabetes care.

American Dietetic Association
1-800-877-1600 or www.eatright.org
Find a dietitian to help you and your loved ones eat healthy foods.

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International
1-800-JDF-CURE or www.jdrf.org
Find out about type 1 diabetes.

National Diabetes Education Program
1-800-438-5383 or www.ndep.nih.gov
Call or visit the website for information about diabetes prevention and control.

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse

1-800-860-8747 or www.diabetes.niddk.nih.gov
Find out more about diabetes self-care.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Division of Diabetes Translation
1-877-232-3422 or www.cdc.gov/diabetes
Click on “State-based Programs” for information on government contacts in your state.

NIH Publication No. 04-5485

Monday, December 04, 2006

Online Shopping Resources

The Orange County Library System in Orlando, Florida has created a great collection of useful information called Online Shopping Resources:


Included here are sections on these topics:

Materials & Resources, Last Minute Gifts, Shopping Safety Tips, General Online Shopping Links, Directories, Price Comparison, Specialty, E-Cards, Electronics, and Coupons & Gift Certificates

check it out!